This financial idea of the week is meant for anyone who is dealing with prospective parents who are questioning why the cost of tuition is not on your website. I’ll start with what you can say to these parents, and then explain the philosophy of it a bit more. Slides.
Mechanics for financial aid: the Big Five key ideas for staff. Slides.
The mechanics of Christian school financial aid. Recording.
This addresses three types of concerns: (1) How to handle no tuition on the website - which really needs to be explained well to get the appointment, (2) How to deal with "can't afford" objections from both current and prospective families, (3) Key ideas in financial aid awarding that make it more likely your parent will say "Yes" in spite of low / no financial aid award.
A comprehensive look at the most important aspects of the financial aid process, including inspiring hope, the role of financial aid in saving current parents through shepherding, the 50% rule and it's many exceptions, how to avoid subsidizing extravagant lifestyle choices, and the need for a personalized approach to awarding financial aid.