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A yearly calendar of activities you should do per month.
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Christian School Marketing and Enrollment Library
Branding and Visioning
. .
. . .
Differentiating Meaningfully and Powerfully
. . .
Differentiation Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Slideshow Handouts
. .
. . .
Visioning Video Recordings with Slides
. .
. . .
Branding Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Branding and Visioning Modules
. . .
Module 1: Overview of Branding
. . .
Module 2: Thinking Through the Future for our Kids
. . .
Module 3: Vision: What and Why
. . .
Module 4: Vision: Who and How
. . .
Module 5: Why Would Anyone Care
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
Close More Leads
. .
Databases and Tracking
. .
Determine Ideal Closing Process
. .
Challenger Selling Resources
. .
Educational Success Consultation
. .
Followup Issues
. .
Get People into the Buliding
. .
Slideshow Handouts
. .
. . .
Basal Enrollment Closing Videos
. . .
Critical Enrollment Insights and Strategies
. . .
Improving Your Closing Effectiveness Older
. .
Volume 2 Closing Chapter
. .
Enrollment Closing Modules
. . .
Module 1: Foundations
. . .
Module 2: Setting Appointments
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
. .
Enrollment Closing Strategies
. . .
Enrollment Closing Strategies Video Recordings with Slides
Summer Marketing Jump-Start
. .
2016 Summer Marketing Webinars with Handouts
. .
Overall Summer Marketing Recordings
. .
Inspirational Case Stories of Schools that Did it!
. .
Document: Early Summer Marketing
. .
Documents: Mid- Summer
. . .
Mid-Summer Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Documents - Late Summer Early Fall
. . .
Late Summer Early Fall Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Overall Summer Marketing Strategies
. . .
Overall Summer Marketing Strategies Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Summer Marketing Miracle
. . .
. . .
Summer Marketing Overview
. . .
Survey (Optional but helpful)
. . .
Metrics Part 1- Enrollment Closing
. . .
Metrics Part 2- Full Pay Equivalents
. . .
Facebook Lead Ads
. . .
Enrollment Closing
. . . .
Enrollment Closing- Module 1
. . .
Auto Responders
. . . .
Jim Mckenzie resources
. . .
Summer Retention Issues
. . .
Web Admissions Tab Triage
. . .
Financial Aid Changes
. . .
Generating Leads Word of Mouth
. . .
Generating Leads Churches
. . .
Generating Leads Guerrilla Marketing
. . .
End of Summer Open House
. . .
Working the Fall Flux
. . .
Summer Marketing Miracle Wrap-up
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
Generate More Leads
. .
Generate More Leads Modules
. . .
Module 1: Offline Word of Mouth
. . .
Module 2: Identify Promoters
. . .
Module 3: Word with Promoters
. . .
Module 4: Spontaneous Word of Mouth
. . .
Module 5: Church Marketing
. . .
Module 6: Guerrilla Marketing
. .
Direct Mail
. .
Informal Open Houses
. . .
Volume 1 Chapter
. .
. . .
Internet Advertising
. . .
Slideshow Handouts
. . .
Social Marketing
. . .
. . . .
Conversion Strategies on the Internet
. . .
. . . .
Website Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Marketing with Churches
. . .
. . . .
Marketing with Churches the Real Deal
. . .
. . .
Marketing with Churches Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Samples of Successful Promotional Items
. .
Summertime Ideas
. . .
Summer Programs Volume 1 Chapter
. .
. . .
Common Mistakes Christian Schools Make with Literature
. .
Word of Mouth
. . .
Slideshow Handouts
. . .
. . . .
Basal WOM Strategies
. . . .
Summer Word of Mouth Stategies
. . . .
How to do a Promoters'
. . .
Volume 1 WOM Chapter
. . .
WOM Strategies
. . .
Promoters Monthly Mailers
. . . .
Biblical Values
. . . .
. . . .
Christian School Teachers
. . . .
Crisis of Faith
. . . .
. . . .
Lost in the Numbers
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
Small Class Size
. . . .
. . . .
Value of College
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
Zipped Versions
. . .
WOM Booster Kit
. . .
Module 2- Generate More Leads
. . .
Word of Mouth Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Working the Flux in August and September
. . .
Working the Flux in August and September Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Year-Round Enrollment
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
. .
Lead Generating Strategies
. . .
Lead Generating Strategies Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Promoters Reception Essentials
Managing the Marketing Effort
. .
. .
. . .
Excel Calendars
. . .
Key Ideas List
. . .
PDFd Calendars to Print
. . .
Project Plan Version
. .
Evaluate Results
. .
Marketing Goals
. .
Marketing Planning
. . .
. . .
. . . .
How to Spend Dollars where they Count
. . . .
Majoring in the Marketing Dollars
. . . .
Marketing Plan and Budget
. . . .
Thinking Long-Term and Big Picture
. . . .
Year End Marketing Priorities
. . .
Volume 1 Research Chapter
. .
Our Target Market
. .
Our Marketing Target
. . .
Marketing to Millenials
. .
. . .
Marketing Task Force
. . . .
Old Marketing Task-Force Job Descriptions
. . .
. . . .
Building your Marketing Team
. . . .
Recruiting and Working with the Marketing Task Force
. . . .
Recruiting a Marketing Task Force
. .
Volume 1 Chapter 1
. .
Worksheets and Checklists
. .
Van Lunen Marketing Program
. .
Priorities by Month
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. .
Managing Enrollment Marketing Modules
. . .
Module 1: Critical Lead Metrics
. . .
Module 2: Working the Flux
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
. .
Money in Marketing
. .
All about Parent Surveys
. . .
All About Parent Surveys Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Overall Marketing Strategies
. . .
Overall Marketing Strategies Video Recordings with Slides
Install BOTH of these to Watch the Download.exe (older) files
Quality Program
. .
. .
. .
Slideshow Handouts
. .
Volume 1 Program Quality Chapter
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
Retain More Students
. .
Coaxing Withdrawn Back
. .
Getting Parents to Re-enroll Earlier
. .
. . .
From the Definitive Guide
. .
Starting the School Year Right
. .
. . .
Basal Retention Slideshow
. . .
Building Loyalty to your Christian School
. . .
Financial Incentives for Early Registration
. . .
Maximizing the Transition Between Preschool and Kindergarden
. .
Volume 2 New Chapter Retention
. .
Retention Strategies
. . .
Retention Strategies Video Recordings with Slides
. .
From Preschool to Kindergarten Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
Tuition and Financial Aid
. .
Cost Accounting Strategies
. .
A Biblical Philosophy for Financial Aid
. .
Overall Financial Strategies
. . .
Volume 1 Tuition and Financial Aid Chapter
. . .
Overall Financial Strategies Videos with Slides
. .
. .
Revenue Revolution Bootcamp
. . .
Session 1: Fiscal HOPE for Sobering Times
. . .
Session 2 and 3: Maximizing Tuition Revenues and Enrollment
. . .
Session 4: Long-Term Fiscal Responsibility
. . .
Session 5: Drastic Financial Changes Why and How
. . . .
Cost Accounting Strategies
. . .
Session 6: Stopping Denominational Fiscal Insanity
. . .
Session 7: Key Strategies for Non-Tuition Revenue
. .
The Case for Aggressive Financial Aid
. .
. . .
Recession-Proof your Christian School
. . .
War Footing for Recession
. . .
Why Christian School Finances Often do not Work
. .
Healthy Tuition and Financial Aid
. . .
Healthy Tuition and Financial Aid Videos with Slides
. .
Financial Aid Mechanics
. . .
Financial Aid Mechanics Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Tuition Modules
. . .
Module 1: Board Overview of Healthy Tuition and Financial Aid
. . .
Module 2: Cost Accounting Issues
. . .
Module 3: Financial Aid Mechanics
. . .
Module 4: Fiscal Sanity for Denominational Schools
. . .
Module 5: Full Pay Equivalents
. . .
Module 9: Maximizing Long-Term Tuition Revenue
. . .
Module 12: Staff Overview of Healthy Financial Aid
. . .
Module 13: Vouchers and Government Programs
. . .
Module 7: Long-term Financial Viability
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
Fund Development
. .
Major Gifts
. . .
Major Gifts Video Recordings with Slides
. .
Annual Fund Development
. .
Case for Support
. .
Prospective Donors
. .
Planned Giving
. .
Ministry and Money Marketing Moments (5 mins or less training videos on key topics)
Covid-19 Resources
. .
Ministry Marketing Moments
. .
Early Covid Resources
. .
Late Covid Resources
Important Outside Articles
. .
Challenger Selling Resources
Fund Development
Help for Consultants
Societal Change
Stories and Anecdotes
Funding the 21st Century Christian School Conference
Summer Marketing Overview
Challenger Selling Resources
Module 7: Long-term Financial Sustainability
All about Parent Surveys
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