Overall Summer Marketing Strategies Video Recordings with Slides


What are the priorities for summer lead generation, as we return to normal after the pandemic? Recording.

This is a very simple 17 minute recording which lists what I would consider to be the very best resources in the library for summer marketing - in priority order from 1 to 15. Only three recordings are referenced - the rest are documents.

A 25 minute review of the most practical word of mouth strategies for summer. Simple ideas that only require your proactive discipline.

A review of the most practical word of mouth strategies for summer. Simple ideas that only require your proactive discipline. Slides.

This is a very simples slideshow of which lists what I would consider to be the very best resources in the library for summer marketing - in priority order from 1 to 15. Only three recordings are referenced - the rest are documents.

What are the priorities for summer lead generation, as we return to normal after the pandemic? Slides.